I specialize in empowering women to discover who they really are and Children’s Development.
Angela is a registered Kinesiologist in the Northern Rivers, whose vision is to help build harmonious, resilient families.
She loves helping people grow, discover their true self, explore their spirituality and create a life they truly want to lead.
She is passionate about children’s education and emotional wellbeing, while enlivening curiosity and creativity to develop connected minds.
Angela believes that working with both children, and their mothers, fathers, (or caregivers) allows family healing, bringing harmony so each member is acknowledged, has a voice, is heard and cared for in love. (childrens services) Angela feels blessed to be the mother of 3 young adults and is grateful for all they have taught her. She developed her special rapport with children working as a Special Needs teacher at a Sydney Primary school.
In our swiftly changing society Angela sees a need for slowing down and using alternative ways to deal with stress and anxiety. She has experienced Adrenal Fatigue personally and draws on knowledge gained in her own recovery to help others be vital, energetic people ready to live passionately (Anti- Ageing).
Each and every woman holds a special place in our society. It is of great importance to Angela to assist women to empower themselves in relationships, parenting, business and finance, by helping them discover who they truly are, to trust and value themselves and express their opinions.
This will be a life long endeavour.
Sharing the knowledge she has of Energy Psychology particularly in assisting Mental Health without the use of drugs, or the need for talking therapy to bring back equilibrium to the mind, soul and body is of importance to her.
Angela sees her life experiences as invaluable and allows her to assist her clients with, stress and anxiety, physical pain, parenting, personal growth, anti-aging, relationship issues, learning difficulties and spirituality.
Angela is a registered Kinesiologist with the Australian Kinesiology Association, holds a Diploma of Medical Technology and is a member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society.
Her vision is to help build harmonious families, help people discover their true self , explore their spirituality and create a life they truly want to lead.