20 Nov

Building Better Relationships with my Kids

I really want to write a blog about this because it is a story I often hear.

Mothers Words to Me.

This is a secret, but I feel like a terrible mother.
I try to show a great face when I’m out, so others think I’m a good parent, but I feel like a fraud and I thing I am damaging my kids.
I can’t seem to control myself when they won’t do what I ask them and I yell and scream at them.
I think I am frightening them, and I am frightening myself.
I am not sure how to stop this happening.
I haven’t told anyone else this before…


A solution to losing control is looking deeply at ourselves, and our relationship with our children.

  5. BE REAL

Slow Down

How fast do I have to get there? What is the consequence if I don’t get there when I had planned?

Slowing the mind down and finding peace eases anxiety and stress and lengthens our fuses.


Am I living the life I want to lead and if not how can I make changes? How is my happiness impacting on the words I use with my childrens?

Evaluate Children’s expectations

Do the expectations my children have fit into my reality? In a world of entitlement what is the level of my children’s entitlement and how does this affect my life?

Self Respect

Looking truthfully, do I respect myself ? How am I allowing myself to be treated?

Be Real

Can I live authentically or is my beliefs of society and its expectations preventing me from feeling free? How deep is my level of frustration?

By looking deeply at yourself and your relationship with your child with professional help, feelings of frustration and disappointment can change to peace, and calmness. A new experience of parenting can be had.

If you would like help discovering answers to your own questions, work with Kinesiology and Energy psychology can enable quantum leaps in your personal development.

Book an appointment with Angela Bricknell at The Oasis 0410 534516, or online at Contact Us